JSCamp Romania revine la Bucuresti in toamna aceasta!


Ajuns la cea de-a cincea editie, JSCamp va oferi participantilor 1 zi de conferinta si 1 zi de workshopuri care vor aborda ultimele noutati din culisele celui mai popular limbaj de programare.
Workshopuri Specializate
WEB PERFORMANCE API DEEP DIVE – Trainer | Dan Shappir – Performance Tech Lead @Wix
Subiecte abordate:

Performance monitoring to prevent performance regressions
How to best use API to extract detailed performance information about your website

A VUE ON COMPONENT PATTERNS – Trainer | Divya Sasidharan – Developer Advocate @Netlify
Subiecte abordate:
Dependency Injection with Provide/Inject
Encapsulating behavior with Slots
Renderless Components with Scoped Slots

Dintre speakerii conferintei: Dan Shappir – Performance Tech Lead @Wix, Divya Sasidharan – Developer Advocate @Netlify, Stuart Langridge – Software Arhitect @Kryogenix, Noam Rosenthal – Software Arhitect @Wix, Phil Hawksworth – Developer Relations @Netlify, Tejas Kumar – Engineering Manager @Contiamo.
Mai multe informatii despre conferinta, workshopuri si speakeri sunt disponibile pe www.jscamp.ro.